Persoenlichkeitsprofil Stage

Personality Profile

Achieve more with your personal strengths profile

Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses and get the best from your employees, your customers – and yourself.

We supply the precise tool you need to do so with the LIFO method. It permits you to determine your personal strengths profile. And you learn to adapt yourself precisely to the strengths profiles of your employees and customers. During the training programme, we consider your personal LIFO strengths profile under favorable and unfavorable conditions. Because differences can certainly arise here. You learn if and when such a changeover makes sense, and you gain confidence in handling and managing your strengths.

More about the LIFO analysis

LIFO stands for life orientations, and it was developed by Dr. Stuart Atkins and Dr. Allan Katcher. The LIFO analysis is based upon 4 fundamental strengths profiles: performance, activity, rationality and cooperation. Every person has a preference within their behavioral pattern for one or more of the basic styles. All 4 of the fundamental strengths profiles are of equal value and can be found in every person, but to differing degrees.

Discover the four basic styles in detail

Overview of each set of basic style features (moderate/excessive use of strengths)

(moderate / excessive use of strengths)

Konzept Persoenlichkeitsprofil Lifo Leistung U H

supporting /

  • Ideals oriented
  • Fair and loyal
  • Provides help
  • Trusting
  • Reliable
  • High quality demands
Konzept Persoenlichkeitsprofil Lifo Aktivitaet B Ü

controlling /

  • Action oriented
  • Accepts challenges
  • Promotes change
  • Vigorous and willing to take risks
  • Presses ahead (oneself/others)
  • Single-mindedness

Konzept Persoenlichkeitsprofil Lifo Vernunft B F

conserving /

  • Logical
  • Thorough and analytical
  • Detail oriented
  • High need for information
  • Security oriented
  • Clear rules and framework conditions
Konzept Persoenlichkeitsprofil Lifo Kooperation A H

adapting /

  • Enjoys communicating
  • Harmony seeking
  • Flexible and likes to experiment
  • Flair for negotiating
  • Mediates in controversies
  • Empathy

Examples from practice

Adaptive Leadership

Do you also prefer to work together with people who have a similar strengths profile to yours? This is true for most managers and leaders. It only becomes difficult in challenging and demanding leadership situations. Because then it is necessary to involve and sweep along all employees with you. And you only achieve that when you address each person in terms of their specific strengths profile.

By way of example, an employee with the "rationality" strengths profile is extremely detail oriented. This person wants lots of additional information. By contrast for an employee with the "activity" profile, the "what-by-when" is the most important – and how or with what they can achieve this.

By familiarizing yourself with the individual strengths profiles and addressing them in a targeted manner, you make optimal use of your employees’ strengths. And you are able to build up and organize ever better teams.

Conscious selling

When you know your own strengths profile and those of your customers, your foster the relationship level and establish even more trust. You become capable of reacting flexibly to your customers. In this way, your customers feels they are being addressed and understood properly.

If your customer has the "performance" profile, for instance, then they react more powerfully to arguments about the quality of the product. When you align your usage and benefits reasoning to this, you are able to make your presentations more convincing. And the discussion on the price then takes a back seat.

As part of the training, you also work on your own strengths profile. For instance, if you have a pronounced "cooperation" profile, you presumably maintain good customer relations. Whereas by contrast, discussions intended to lead to a contract conclusion prove more difficult for you. In these cases, we train your neglected "activity" strengths profile – and your sales closure rate increases. Our aim is for you to utilize each of your styles in accordance with the respective situation, and that with success.